Dive ‘Under The Covers’ with Yinn and friends in our series dedicated to exploring, honouring, and celebrating our intimate individualism. Together we discuss sexuality, self-love, culture, pleasure essentials, and so much more juicy goodness!

An interview with our Yinn Body Ambassador Rachael White who works as a Holistic Sex Coach, Tao Tantric Arts Facilitator and Yoni Mapping Practitioner. 

Q) Tell us a little about yourself and what you do.  

I’m Rachael, a Holistic Sex Coach - VITA Certified, Tao Tantric Arts Facilitator and Yoni Mapping Practitioner. 

I’m a lover of life, a lover of love and with an insatiable hunger for all things sensual, deep and meaningful. I don’t live life above the surface, I like to witness the depth of essence within both myself and in others. 

Put simply, I guide people back home to themselves so they can enjoy a thriving sex life, feel deeply in love with themselves, live a life that inspires them and create the kind of relationships they long for.


Q) Where can people find you? 

You can check out my website, instagram and The In-Body Sex podast.


Q) What was the main message about sex and sexuality that you received growing up? 

From an early age I definitely held a lot of shame around my pussy, pleasure and body. Anything to do with any of this was something you kept secret and did behind closed doors. 

You were a slut if you were sexual and frigid if not, oh the mixed messaging! I feel that this caused so much mixed messaging and internal confusion. 

As a teen I believed that sex equaled love, which led to some emotionally painful experiences that  left some not so nice beliefs around myself and sense of worth.


Q) How did you begin to explore and establish your own beliefs around this topic? 

I’ve always been very curious, both sexually and spiritually, with a deep knowing that there’s more to life than society was showing me. This led me down the path of yoga and meditation, and then eventually Tantra and Sacred Sexuality. I also feel like there was a moment in my mid 20’s where I had the realisation of how much I was actually suppressing, and once I realised this it was as if I had no option other than to dive straight in.


Q) If you had the chance, what would you tell your younger self about sex now? 

I would tell younger me just how beautiful, worthy and loved she is, so she wouldn’t go looking for this love and validation in all the wrong places. I’d also teach her about the vast spectrum of what intimacy can be and the beauty of it, rather than it being something to feel ashamed about. 


Q) What inspired you to do the work you do? 

The expansion I experienced through doing this work literally changed my life in ways I couldn’t have even imagined. I saw all the ways in which I had self abandoned in the past and learnt how to live unapologetically in my truth, sex and all. This led to me falling deeply in love with myself, deeper connection with others, feeling inspired by life, feeling more alive and opening up to a whole lot more pleasure, not just in sex but also in life. 

This is what inspired me to do this work. I truly wish every single human on this planet could experience this level of liberation and love. I also believe that on a collective level, the more people who break free from the programming, learn how to live from their heart and have healthy aligned relationships we could heal a big chunk of the pain on this planet.


Q) How important do you believe it is to embrace our sexuality? 

Very. Your sexuality is literally the gateway to your power, creativity, confidence and vitality. If you’re disconnected from your sexuality, you’re disconnected from the most powerful and innate part of who you are as a human being. To live a life disconnected from your sexuality, would be a life half lived.


Q) What do self-care and self-love look like for you?  

I like to take a very holistic and balanced approach. I’ll tune in day to day and feel into what would best serve my current state and choose a morning practice in accordance with that. 

This can range from self massage, self pleasure, breast massage, dancing, stretching, doing an exercise class, walking in nature, meditation, tantric practices, qi gong, etc. 

For example, if I’m feeling stressed I’ll  do something to calm my nervous system and release stress or if I’m low energy I might do something more activating to raise my energy. I like to create somewhat of a self- care menu of all my favorite tools and practices and choose from that. By tuning into what would best serve, this can help to build a deeper connection and attunement to self.

As well as of course eating well, exercising, getting in nature, having good people around me and getting a good night sleep. I also love a good facial and bodywork!

In terms of self love, I can’t go past breast massage. In Taoism they call the breasts ‘Bells of Love’ and they don’t call them that for no reason, your breasts are literally an extension of your heart.

I also love to look at myself in the mirror and really take myself in with a whole lot of love and adoration, especially the parts I’ve struggled to love. 

And internally, I’ll do the same. Pouring love into the parts of me that feel a little neglected.


Q) What do you love about your body?

Oh so much! I love everything, from my boobs to my butt and even my dimply cellulite on my thighs. My body can fluctuate depending on my cycling, hormonal fluctuations and stress. It’s been a beautiful teacher to really love myself through all the phases. 


Q) What are your top 3 pleasure essentials?

Can I have 4? Lube. Jade Egg. Crystal Wand. Butt Plug. Yummmmm!


Q) What’s an unexpected moment that brought you pleasure this week? 

I was meditating on the beach the other morning and could feel the sun hitting my lips, it was if I was being kissed by the sun. The warmth of it actually turned me on quite a bit.


Q) Favourite song to get you in the mood?

Glass by Luunes is a sexy one. Depends on my mood though, sometimes I love something that gets me right in the hearts feels and others it’s something a little more dark and sexy.


Q) Favourite ritual related to sex? 

I do love devotional cock/pussy worship. It’s so delicious to be on both the giving and receiving end of this, it can also be incredibly healin


Q) Do you have any particular people in your life who inspire you to be a sexually empowered person? 

Maybe in the past, but not particularly. I feel this comes from within for me. However, there are a few mature women I look to and think “Fuck! I want to be that juicy and alive when I get to that age!” Mama Gena being one of them.

Enjoyed reading this article? Stay tuned to our socials as Rachael White shares regular content about sex, intimacy and Yinn. 

- Y x

November 29, 2023