By Ruby Josif

Have you ever heard of Self Yoni Massage or Yoni de-armouring but felt unsure about what it actually is?

If you are someone who experiences pain, discomfort or a lack of sensation in your vulva or vagina during your sexual experiences, self yoni massage can be an amazing way to support you in creating more connected and pleasurable sexual experiences.

Self Yoni Massage (also know as yoni de-armouring) allows us to release points of tension, transmute pain or discomfort by softening the internal and external muscles and increases blood flow to the areas which in turn increases the sensation and pleasure available to us in our vulva and vaginas.

It’s also an opportunity for us to release things on a more energetic level, with this practice often being a way for us to release stored emotions in our bodies too!

Pleasure wands like the The Baub and the The Luna allow us to do this practice ourselves, with their shape perfectly designed to reach deeper spots internally and the bulbs on the end the right shape for honing in on specific areas and massaging the muscles. 

Keep in mind that as long as we are listening to our body and being gentle, there is no right or wrong way to do this practice. 

Choose your fave pleasure wand, make sure to use lots of lubricant, follow your intuition and go slow!

Start by setting the space

I always suggest beginning this practice by creating a beautiful environment for your self yoni massage to take place in. Think music, clean sheets, cozy blankets, burn your fave incense and really cultivate a space where you feel as though you can relax and your body can too.

Shop Heartwood Indian Sandalwood Incense.

Work you way from the outside, inwards

Self Yoni Massage/de-armouring requires our whole being AND body to relax and soften, so before diving into the yoni massage itself, first give your body some love, I like to use the body oil for this and give myself a delicious body, breast and womb (see our womb massage video) massage first. This allows me some time to slow my mind, awaken my body and ignite my senses. Take a moment here to acknowledge any thoughts, feelings, sensations and emotions.

Shop The Body Oil.

Move down to your vulva

Once you feel as though you have settled in, your heart feels open and you feel connected to your body, you may like to begin the yoni massage element. I suggest by beginning by cupping your vulva and just breathing here for a moment, drawing your awareness down to your vulva too. From here using either your fingers or your pleasure wand slowly begin to massage the different areas of your vulva. Hone in on any areas that you feel discomfort, numbness or tension. 

Internal Massage 

When you feel ready to move inward to your vagina, similarly gently work your way around your vagina massaging the muscles of the walls using your pleasure wand of choice (my favorite is the Baub. Take your time in each place, keeping in mind the longer you spend massaging in each specific place, the more blood flow you will stimulate and the more you will awaken the muscles and sensations (including pleasure) available to you. 

Shop The Pleasure Wands. 

Honour Yourself

Once you feel as though your exploration has come to completion, take some time after your practice to honour yourself, you may like to have a long bath, make a warm drink or do some journaling. 

Keep in mind that this is a practice and the more that we do it, the more familiar we will become with our yonis.

New To Pleasure Wands? Read our Guide.

Y x

September 10, 2024